What’s this newsletter about?

Hello, my good human! I am Lefteris and I am very interested in finding out what’s happening in the world of science and academia. In 2019 I finished my Ph.D. and started working in startups but I never really wanted to leave that world behind for good. So, I started the podcast mostly as a way for me to keep in touch with the latest trends and methodologies.

In this newsletter, I aggregate different news that I read every week from research papers and science news websites. I walk you through my experience of understanding these topics and hopefully through this process you understand a bit more about the way academics work and better judge the scientific facts that you hear around.

I also love playing video games. In my effort to make gamers excited about science I decided to start writing about “The Science in Video Games”. Not about how people make the games, but I am choosing an event or a special ability that exists in a game and trying to work out how would something like that be possible in real life.

Is the newsletter free?

Yes! I believe that knowledge should be freely accessible to everyone so the point is to eliminate barriers and not create new ones no matter how big or small.

That being said I do have a Patreon page in which I accept subscriptions and I’d LOVE IT if you subscribed. Paid subscriptions help me in taking time off and investing in better ways to explain complex stuff. So if you can spare a couple of dollars a month press this sexy button here.

Patreon Subscribe

Can I participate?

Of course! You are actually encouraged to… I am but one person and there is a finite amount of time every day. If there is something you want to ask, or contribute you can always reach out to me on Twitter, send me an email at lefteris@lefterisasks.com, or just write a comment under one of the posts. Anything that’s easy for you.

Subscribe to Lefteris asks science

Explaining the significance of new research coming from all over the world


Science communicator, trying to find out the simplicity in all things research and academia.